¿Quiénes Somos?
Investigadores Colaboradores
Manuel Gámez Guadix es profesor en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Sus líneas de investigación actuales se centran en el estudio de la naturaleza, correlatos y consecuencias del uso de Internet, tanto en lo referido al cyberbullying y el online grooming, como el abuso o “adicción” a las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información. Es autor de numerosos artículos científicos y del libro “Escuela de Padres 3.0. Guía para educar a los hijos en el uso positivo de Internet y los Smartphones.
Contact: mgamezguadix@gmail.com
Web site: Site, ResearchGate
Joaquín M. González Cabrera es Licenciado y doctor en Psicología por la Universidad de Granada(UGR). Acreditado como profesor Titular de universidad por la ANECA ocupando la figura de profesor agregado en la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR). Autor de una treintena de publicaciones, la mayor parte en revistas JCR. Investigador colaborador en cuatro proyectos de investigación, dos de ellos internacionales, e investigador principal en otros dos, siendo el último el proyecto sobre “Ciberpsicología: análisis psicosocial de los contextos online". Los tópicos de estudio han abarcado distintas modalidades de violencia, como el acoso y el ciberacoso, así como el estrés psicofisiológico. Actualmente, también centra su atención en los riesgos de internet.
Entre otras iniciativas, ha sido el responsable científico del estudio CIBERASTUR sobre acoso, ciberacoso, uso problemático de Internet y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en el Principado de Asturias con casi 30.000 participantes.
Contact: joaquin.gonzalez@unir.net
Web site: ResearchGate
Brad J. Bushman is a Professor of Communication and Psychology at The Ohio State University, and a professor of communication science at the VU University Amsterdam. For over 30 years he has studied human aggression and violence. He was a member of President Obama’s committee on gun violence, and has testified before the U.S. Congress on youth violence.
Contact: bushman.20@osu.edu
Web site: Bushman , ResearchGate
Professor John Riskind is a professor at George Manson University in Virginia Dr. Riskind is the editor of the International Journal of Cognitive Therapy and has been the editor or co-editor of several other cognitive-behavioral journals. Dr. Riskind’s interests focus on cognitive-behavioral research, treatment, and theory of emotional disorders. Through his research, he investigates cognitive vulnerability and maintenance processes and proposes a new “looming vulnerability” model of anxiety which takes a more nuanced view at dynamic temporal-spatial distortions in anxiety.
Contact: jhriskind@gmail.com
Web site: ResearchGate
Benjamin L. Hankin, Ph.D research takes a developmental psychopathological approach to understand risk factors and mechanisms in depression and related internalizing emotional disorders, especially in children and adolescents. He is also interested in translating knowledge on vulnerability into evidence-based assessment and interventions. Presently, he and his colleagues have grant-funded research investigating: 1) personalized depression prevention among adolescents, 2) neural and behavioral levels of analysis underlying selection and cognitive control in adolescents, and 3) reducing depression among depressed pregnant women to then study the effects of reducing the development of risk mechanisms contributing to psychopathology in baby offspring.
Contact: hankinb@illinois.edu
Web site: YouthEmotion, ResearchGate
Todd D. Little, PhD is a Professor and director of the Institute for Measurement, Methodology, Analysis and Policy at Texas Tech University. Little is widely recognized for his quantitative work on various aspects of applied SEM (e.g., modern missing data treatments, indicator selection, parceling, modeling developmental processes) as well as his substantive developmental research (e.g., action-control processes and motivation, coping, and self-regulation). In 2001, Little was elected to membership in the Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology, and in 2009, he was elected President of APA’s Division 5 (Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics). He founded the internationally renowned ‘Stats Camps’ (see statscamp.org). He is a fellow in APA, APS, and AAAS. In 2013, he received the Cohen award from Division 5 of APA for distinguished contributions to teaching and mentoring and in 2015 he received the inaugural distinguished contributions award for mentoring developmental scientists from the Society for Research in Child Development.
Contact: yhat@statscamp.org
Web site: www.statscamp.org, ResearchGate
Rafael Sampedro es Doctor en Psicología por la Universidad de Deusto y ocupa el cargo de Jefe de División de Servicios para la Infancia y la Adolescencia del Instituto Foral de Asistencia Social, desarrollando su labor como responsable del área de Acogimiento Residencial del Servicio de Infancia de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. Sus intereses de investigación recaen en el acogimiento residencial, menores en situación de riesgo y violencia filio-parental.
Bioef, Gestión de I+D+i
Fundación vasca de innovación e investigación sanitarias
Carlota Las Hayas, is a post doc researcher with experience in quantitative and qualitative methods (> 15 years research experience) in the field of Health Psychology. She has authored-coauthored more than 50 publications in the field of health psychology, psychometrics, patient reported outcomes, mental health, resilience, quality of life and wellbeing. She is an accredited teacher by the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation, and currently she is an invited lecturer at the Masters of “General Sanitary Psychology” at the University of Deusto (Spain) and co- lecturer at the postgraduate course “Research Expert in Health Services and Chronic Diseases” of the University of Alcalá (Spain). SCOPUS Author ID: 11640556300 – ORCID:http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5069-7104
Contact: carlota.lashayas@deusto.es
Web site: ResearchGate